Training Program and Safety Plan


On a weekly basis, we have a "Tool Box Safety Meeting", these safety meetings provides information, regulations, and processes on various topics to keep us and others around safe from harm. Our safety education consists of three phases initial indoctrination, continued safety education, and HM² representatives and hazard analysis.  We find that safety meeting and continuing education, plays an important role in and out of the field. Our safety plan also contains all OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) approved material and certifications in compliance with their standards.


Across all project locations, our training remains the same. Our craftsmen serve 5 years in their respective apprenticeship programs in both the field and in the classroom. The Union also provides a number of continuing education courses, that a journeyman and apprentice alike can take increase safety.


These safety meetings also address specific plans, schematics, documents, and other material used for different equipment and vehicles. This includes lift plans for using cranes for loading and offloading of equipment, Lock-Out Tag-Out. We also include the system of operations when severe weather approaches.


These Safety Meetings and Training Programs distinguish our company from the rest, because of our initiative and prepare our employee’s for the unexpected.